Dynamite Entertainment is releasing volume 1 of the Vampirella Archives on October 12, 2010. One of horror's greatest creations, the Vampi Archives joins the essential Creepy Archives and The Eerie Archives already published every few months by Dark Horse Comics.
Originally biting the public on its collective neck back in the 1960's, these fantastic Warren Magazines snaked around the sticky Comics Code issues of the day by publishing in a magazine format. As a Monster Kid of the 1970's, these B&W mags were a formative discovery for me, terrifying me not only with their spooky stories, but also with their nerve-fraying illustrations by such masters of the form as Frank Frazetta, Bernie Wrightson, Wally Wood, and a host more. Vampi, herself, was a creation of the late, great Forrest J. Ackerman, the man who coined the phrase Sci-Fi and gave the world one of its great publications, Famous Monsters of Filmland. Now if they could just clear up the rights issues so that The Famous Monsters Archives and a re-release of the Vampirella Monster Scenes model kit could hit stores, I'd be a happy middle-aged Monster Kid.

did you have one yourself? ive seen one on ebay and it was running about 75 bucks with 5 days left.....my house just seems like it needs one in it.
I used to have a couple of Vampi models back in the day. I can't believe I didn't keep them. I went through a misguided "growing up" phase in my 20's, and I haven't stopped kicking myself since...
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