In the February 2010 issue of P.E.I.’s arts and entertainment monthly The Buzz I wrote a profile of Fox Henderson, a local filmmaker. I'd started doing this series of Island Imagemakers pieces because there are a number of people creating content for screens in the home, on the laptop, and in theatres that I either wanted to know more about or because I felt they were underrepresented. One additional caveat: the subject had to have a measurable body of work behind him or her. Fox fit all this criteria.
The first of Fox’s work that I’d seen was an animated piece featuring a dead-on visual and vocal representation of Christopher Walken. That was followed by more animation and the realization that the name Fox Henderson had started popping up in conversation and online with more and more frequency. Despite this, I’d never met or even, to my knowledge, seen Fox. I began to develop an image in my head of someone working away at a computer 24 hours a day under dim lighting conditions, a lone wolf with talent who knew his way around a computer, and someone who was obsessed with special effects. I’m not sure about the other aspects, but my notions about his ability and his love of FX proved to be true when Fox and I finally met. We even talked about collaborating on a project about a travelling circus that wreaks havoc on a small town, but after I suggested we change the circus to a traveling STD clinic, things sorta came to a standstill. Wonder why?
One of the other projects that Fox has been working on is a trilogy of Bimbo Zombie Killer shorts. Having completed the first two (they can be seen here), he’s developing the third as a 12-part web series and subtitled Dead in the Water. As many independent filmmakers are doing, even those as established as James (Deadbeat at Dawn) vanBebber, he’s turned to Indigogo for public support in completing this project. If you’re interested in helping Fox bring his BZK trilogy to a satisfying conclusion, logon and help out. You can find out more about Fox here and see some of his work here.